Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wikipedia Observation

I have always knew about when it comes to finding research. Anything that you google, a wikiepdia article is most likely to pop up at first glance. I have always noticed the articles have been kinda weird and off on some, now I know why. I learned through this experience that people may edit the articles and the article may even be deleted. I now know why some articles make no sense or when I go to recover the research it is no longer there.

I put up my post on on Cyber Bullying. I thought this was a great topic to do since we read "Friend Game" and I was highly interested in it. I wanted to relate it to school and teaching and do a resource section for the topic.

I started playing around with it seeing what I could do and how I could do it and how long some nonsense would stay up. I posted something about diferent website that have stuff about cyberbullying and it stayed for maybe a day. So, then I knew what I needed to do and how to do it. I did my research and post the section " Resources for Teachers" This included Role playing and lesson plans to see if you have a cyber bully or if someone is being cyber bullied. It included terms that are used for cyber bullies so you are able to see example and what to look for.

I had this going for about 2 weeks until it was taken down. It was replaced with another sub-topic then I noticed I could no longer edit it. I started freaking out because I didnt know why. I then looked on the top riht corner to notice a lock on it. It was olive. I clicked on that and noticed it said that this page was move-protected. This means that the administators put a lock on it.

The page was re-directed. There was two pages of this topic.
1.) Cyber-bullying
2.) Cyberbullying

There must have been people posted and moving infrmation of both when the adminstrators said ENOUGH and protected it so that you could no longer post anything or edit anything. I learned that pages can be protected and some can be blocked or deleted. This was a good experience even though I didnt think it was at first. I just thought Wiki hates me but I came to find that I had an actual good outcome even though my page did not stay up.

User name: Nicole7786646

My Post:
Resources for Teachers
Cyberbullying could be happening in your classroom without you even knowing.Recent reports indicate that more than half of students have been the targets of cyberbullying, while almost eighty percent are aware that it is happening online.( is important for educators become aware of the warning signs and can attack the issue when it arises with certain lesson plans and ideas.There are many forms that cyberbullying can take. ( Some example are:

Flaming. Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language
Ex: Joe and Alec’s online exchange got angrier and angrier. Insults were flying. Joe warned Alec to watch his back in school the next day.

Harassment. Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, and insulting messages
Ex:Sara reported to the principal that Kayla was bullying another student. When Sara got home, she had 35 angry messages in her e-mail box. The anonymous cruel messages kept coming—some from complete strangers.

Denigration. “Dissing” someone online. Sending or posting gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships.
Ex:Some boys created a “We Hate Joe” Web site where they posted jokes, cartoons, gossip, and rumors, all dissing Joe

Trickery. Talking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information, then sharing it online.
Ex:Katie sent a message to Jessica pretending to be her friend and asking lots of questions. Jessica responded, sharing really personal information. Katie forwarded the message to lots of other people with her own comment, “Jessica is a loser.”

Teachers can acces sites to help them deal with cyberbullying in the classroom such as Resources to Help Fight Cyberbullying. This site will help teachers plan lessons in which cyberbullying can be dealt with through role playing and different lessons.

In this lesson, students are able to discuss empathy and undestand people have feelings on the other side of the computer as well. This lesson helps provide the understanding of how cyberbullying and what attributes contribue to the bullying.


1 comment:

REZA said...

great information...