Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blog 9

Write a little about how the concept of produsage connects to : 1) the features of the internet; 2) internet mindsets (as set forward by Lankshear & Knobel); 3) the concept of remediation; 4) the ideas underpinning the intensive information exchange for flashmobs; and finally, the community that underpins wikipedia itself.

Reading this article i was able to see the connection of produsage to the different readings we have done. The article explains that in this world we are all producers and consumers. The Industrial Production Value Chain is: Producer->distrubutor->consumer

As in this world, we all have producers and consumers. THis is how the worlds works as well as the "cyber" space world and not to many people think of it that way, but it is.

1.) The features to the internet are totally producer and consumer. Look at online shopping for exmaple. Many people around Christmas time, or anytime busy shopping season do not want to wait in long lines at the mall so they simply log on and shop. Producer ( internet shopping) and you ( the buyer) ANother example is the upcoming online dating websites such as These sites have had positive results and there for are producer and consumer websites. Producer ( and consumer ( you the prospective looker for love) Produsage connects to the internet in so many ways that internet users do not even realize they are part of the producer/consumer relationship of the world because they are so busy online looking for love or shopping!

2.)As Lankshear and Knobel discussed, there are different mindset and discourses. People either belong to one or the other.The first mindset is the way one thing is and how we learn to be. We orginally learned what producers and consumers were from school and through the advances of the internet, we learned how to use this as a resource to do our shopping and what not.The second is how we act in other settings such as school or clubs or anywhere outside of your actual life.An explane of produsage is someone who belongs to an online group according to what you like or what you have learned. for exmaple, a person who loves dvds could log on to and join a chat group about a certian movie, then buy it.

3.)Remediation- There are so many options on ther internet for us to take the chance to be the producer or consumer.Through a cell phone produage is being used. We are the producers because we are typing and sending the message. The person we are sending it to are the consumers.

4.)Flashmobs sis also another reading in which produsage deals with. The producer ( the perosn organizing the flashmob) starts this meeting or plan to the consumers ( the person recieiving the message where to meet and what to do and what time) so then then everything takes effect and then it is in play. We can look at this as produsage because agian this is the producer and consumer.

5.)Wikipedia is an amazing collabration of information that the noral, general public can put up for others to see and get information. It is amazing that the average joe can give me research on Pizza and i can inlcude this in a research paper. Thanks JOe!.. ;) .. This agian is an example of produsage because I am the consumer because i am taking info that Joe put up and Joe is the producer because non of the "WIki Guards" ripped it down in 5 minutes ( sorry i am still a little upset over my beautiful posting that got taken down in 2 minutes)..

.... so therefor this is all exmaple of produsage and agian i am learning so much about all of this! I cannot believe I didnt see before how pretty much everything on the iternet is producer and consumer aspect.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I really like your post, you explain everything so well with great examples. You wrapped it all up neatly. good job