Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blog 3

Lankshear and Knobel's in my opinion was an interesting article. It was lengthy and had alot of different concepts in it, but if you take time to read it and try to grasp the material you can find alot of new ideas that you do not know before, like i did.

I agree with their charecterizations of their minsets when it is about print versuses digital mindets. To me, this is like saying old vs more modern. When you examine it, you find the first mindset that the world is just like it used to be thought out modern-idustrial period but now it has new technoliges with in it. The second minset assumes that in todays world it is very different then years ago. I think this all depends on the age of the person thinking about these mindsets. If i were older I might have the first mindset, but since i am younger i do have the second mindset.

In the section, Socioculture definitions of literacy"which talks mostly about different types of literacy in which weblogging or even ebay is in this consideration. I thought it was insane how certain people can auction off their souls and bread, but I think this is incredibly interesting because I think this fits in with the digital minset that they were talking about. People with mindset 1 wouldnt probalby think this would ever happen or would say an excuse for it.

When I first started reading this article, dicourse immediately caught my eye, because I have always wondered why people talk differently according to their atmosphere or to who they are talking to. I now know why but I also know this is important to knw for when I start teaching.

1 comment:

woozie300 said...

I am going into teaching also, and one of the things we need to relay to the students is that texting is not the same as writing a paper. When I sub and I read some of the work the students hand in, I think they forget that a hand-in homework should be profread. The student must realize their audience and write according and that is one of many things I got from reading this article.