Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blog 1

This is my first time using I was a bit confused at first when we started doing it. It made no sense that if I edit something, at that moment, another person can see it right away. I felt this was good and this was bad in a sense. If i messed something up, someone else could see my mistake instead of seeing the finished product. I was also very afriad of touching someones work and messing that up.. then what?

The features on the made it easier to collaborate because usually collaboration is done through e-mail or planning through a chat group. This can be used to say make a schedule with alot of people. For Ex: time slots to schdule a meeting. Instead of e-mailing everyone asking what time they want to meet, you simply post the time slots and have people fill in what time is good for them. This is also good for collabrating for an assignment like this. Everyone can have an input.

The difficulties i had with this software was adding in rows and colums to add to what others have said. As i mentioned before, I am afraid that I would mess someone elses work up that they worked hard on. So i felt i had to be extra careful.

The features I might add would be you cannot edit anything that you did not add. So I could only touch the work i put in but I cannot edit someone elses hard work.

1 comment:

woozie300 said...

I know it is amazing how mean people can really be. The internet bullying is an interest of mine also but I have not completely made a decision one way or another.