Monday, April 6, 2009

Blog 18th-In Class Activity

1.) The kinds of media I engage with is, yes, the obvious TVand texting. My source of media is differernt dependding on my mood. I always wathced mature TV when I was even little. I enjoyed scary movies and talk shows but my mom used to see they were ok to watch first. This changed as i got older, i got to prewview it for myself.But mostly the same. I also do the following:
Music online

2.)Blogger- 45 mInutes- 1 Hour
Facebook- Depending on who or what I am stalking, 1 hour
Gmail- 30 minutes
Texting- um about 15 hours of my day
Wow I didnt realize that alot of times i make fun of facebookers and texter, but look now who is doing it. o god

3.) I always have to have a "background" noise so"
Composing a paper- Listening to music from my Itunes, Tv is on in the background 3
Study for an Exam- TV is on, but very quietly, more just for the visual 2
Conduct reseach- tv is on, music is on, i am scanning through the web 5
2+3+5= 10/3
= 3.3

4.)Drive- Listeninng to music and talking on the phone ( i know it is bad) 4
Eat a meal by yourself- TV is on or I am standing up eating quick to go to my next meeting or class...texting 5
Eat with family/Friends- tv is on...texting 5
Household Chores- Music is on, but then go browse if bored on facebook, watch some tv but still music is on...texting 4

O god. I shouldnt admit this but


5.)Watching Tv, texting or talking on the phone, browsing through facebook or gmail


a. In which category were you most likely to use hyper attention? in which category were you most likely to use deep attention? Or do you seem to have a consistent style (all hyper or deep attention)? How would you explain this?

The cateogy that I was most lkely to use hyper attention would be the section of me relaxing. I am the biggest multi tasker around when it comes to doing nothing. I see it as an everyday things where I just hang around, and text n go on facebook while watching tv and talking on the phone.. No Biggy

The deeper attention would be studying for a test because I need more concentration for that but I still have hyper attention because I am not compltely surrounded by silence. Most people are not able to study with people talking in the background, but living on campus for a while, I have become accustomed to it and when I study now I cant do it in complete silence. it makes me go crazy

I guess its all on how yor grew up in a sense that your study skills or your work skills how you have adapted to your enviroment. What do you do to relax? Some people dont own a cell phone and will sit in silence reading a book. I think it all depends on the person.

b. In which category was there the largest range of numbers ( for example, some activities rated 1, some rated 5). Can you explain why the range might be large for this category

Section 3 I think was the largest range of number but then agian it is all how you study. My boyfriend cannot study for an exam unless there is music blasting! I on the other hand can study with background noise but only until a certain level. Conducting research is something that you go and do on your own pace. So you can have music blasting or you can have silence.

c. In which category did you have the most consistent style? Why do you think this is so?

The most consisten style would be my free time. It is whatever I am doing to relax and it doesnt matter what i have to do. I just do it

7. How would you characterize yourself in terms of patterns for attending? Do these numbers reflect how you would characterize yourself (in terms of attention)? What correlations or inconsistencies do you see between your feeling about how you think and these numbers? Can you explain them?

This exercise made me realize what I do when I study and I ask myself if this is the correct way to do it but then aigan its been working for years so i guess it is. The patterns are about right with the numbers without me even realzing it.

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