Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog 14- Schematic PLan for Web site

OK, I pposted this a little late due to the fact we had tewo blog 14's and i got confused and looked over this one. My website is going to be pink and black so it can stand out. It will have a simple plan for the site because it will be looked at my teachers, parents and kids. I do not want it to complicated due to the fact not everyone, inlcuding teachers, are on the same page when it comes to surfing the internet. On the left hand side it will have categories that you can click on to take you to that link. It will be like this:

Cyber Bullying


What is Cyber Bullying? PICTURE

Charecteristics of a cyber bully


When you click on the page you'd like to go to the options will be on the left hand site to link to you to wherever else you want to go.

On the statistics- It will include some cyber bullying stats

What is a Cyber Bully- Give the defiinitions of the cyber bully

Charecteristics- this is my research questions so all my findings will be here

Resources- All the resrouces entailed

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