Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Post 4

The topic i think i will choose is cyberbullying. I feel i can relate to this topic because in middle school this happened to a girl i knew and she would tell me how she would feel when this happened but didnt know who was doing it. I saw people whispering in the hallway when she walked by and people were making up nasty things about her. I felt so bad because i didnt know who were doing it either. she came into school one day with a conversation she was had the night before with a cyberbully and the conversation made me upset to see the things they were writing to her. These cyber bullies even went as far as making a website all about this girl to write anything people wanted about her. it was horrible. After a couple of weeks of her parents trying to get to the bottom if it and figure out who was doing this, the girl left to go to another school. To this day i still do not know who did this but it upset me to the point i still , years later remember it like it was yesterday.

I would like to do my wikipedia on cyberbullying for a couple of reasons. 1. I want to know more about the subject because i feel i am not as knowledgable of this as i could be. 2. reading "Friend Game" made me realize that this is a serious thing and it gets so bad sometimes that someone actually killed themself 3. i am going into teaching and want to discuss this or have a lesson plan because by the time i start teaching, the internet is going to be more advanced then it is today. I want to come up with ways in helping children who are being bullied as well as stop the bullying from the other person on the other side of computer. I feel that if i do this one wikipedia i may help other teachers who are looking for recources to do this in their classroom bc so many are going to have to deal with bullying issues not onlyin the classroom but now with the internet. I know cyberbullying with effect these kids who come into school everyday. they will develop low self esteem and not like many people. i dont want that and i am sure other teachers dont either. I also want to include Megan from the article we read so that way my site will have a major impact onpeople who read it. it will have shock value and will mean so much more.


Tiff said...

I definietly agree with you a 100%. There should be a lot of information about this topic "cyberbullying" and a permanent solution to this major important problem. Everyone needs to be aware that cyberbullying is not a joke and needs to be taken seriously because it is putting people's lives at risk. This is a very interesting topic good job.

Rebecca W. said...

This is a really interesting topic. Good choice.

Alison said...

I also agree with you that people need to be informed about this topic. Especially going into the teaching field, you are going to have students that are bullying one another. It may not be on the internet, but it could be face-to- face bullying...