Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blog 7 Flashmobs

Ok, so i thought Text Novels was weird but so interesting, NO WAY. Flasmobs by far beat this. So, lemme get this right. One person thinks of this unusual beahvior or act. a certain time on a certain day.. you are to freeze in whatever you are doing..lets say it is Feb 25, 2009 at 6:00 pm and you are to freeze for one minute.. I am out and about doing some errands on Feb 25, 2009 and I am about to pay for a gallon of milk and handing over the money BAM 6:00 pm, flashmob time. I am frozen for one minute... with the other 100's maybe even thousands of people doing this weird thing. But, how does a flashmob get started? How does it get spread?

This all started in 2003 by this guy names Bill who wanted to start this by having people gather in Macys rug department to make decisions and other people other places and it was crazyness. I think this is insanely smart. He did this to show comformity and how people want to be part of something big.

When thinking about print and how it might correspond to the communities that underpin flashmobs I think of someone putting a little ad or something in a section that it wouldnt be seen to the naked eye, youd actually have to read that section to find it. I am sure someone looking through the singles ad thoroughly would spot this. They then spread the on. But lets say we dont have pen and paper or newspaper and we have technology. Chain link emails are always sent, except this would be a chain link flashmob. One person makes the amil and sends it to everyone they know who sends it to everyone they know and so on. The same with a text message. If i sent this text to everyone in my phone I am sure someone would send it to someone else. After all, people always send those chain texts that i love geting so much.. not really.

Digital communications could changed like i have mentioned above in these communications because in one simple text you can have a group of people. For example I could send a text to a bunch of people and I want to have a flashmob thing at 3:00 with some girls by the clock tower. I could send a text to alot of people and at 3;00 i have the people meeting at the clock tower all because of one text. If a flashmobber didnt have email or pen or paper and just a phone they could send that flashmob text to everyone in his phone book and the recievers could then send it to all their contacts and so on. This could be one HUGE flashmob.

As for the future, technology is always changing so i think flashmobs could be a bigger thing one day because it will be easier for people to get the message.. This is so exciting to learn about!

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