Tuesday, December 15, 2009

another blog

I am writing this blog on the last day of class. I have worked alot and hope I recieve a grade that reflects that. I need to see what things I am missing because I have no greades. Today I had finals nd I am tired. THis is all frot oday. :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Guees what

Hey guys.. I finally got my vodcats up. I got my friends to help in making my vod cast and it was fun planning it and making it. They are all goofy so it helped the aid in my video. I did the video on dancing for the holidays and silly dance moves. IT was fun making and I hope it was fun grading :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another blog.. about what.. I do not know

I am just going to ramble on and on about nonsense I suppose. Lets talk about this vodcast. I made a great, funny and creative video about signature dance moves, like the lawn mower, the lightbulb, fist pump, the Qtip and many others with my friends. They were such good sports participating in my video as I narrated how to use these dance moves to impress people at your upcoming holiday party. Now heres the problem, after much planning and re-takes, it is taking an enternity to upload it to youtube. The video is only about 3 minutes but it is loading a percent every like 12 hours.. Any suggestions, would be appreciated. I would ramble on about Kean University and the disorganization of this University, but God knows that would like about 45 blogs and aboout 32 hours to do, so to spare your time as well as mine I have talked about my Vodcast. Its great and cant wait for everyone to see it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

once a week write about hats happening yin your life and school

update this every week :)

Technology Is...

Technology is alot of different things. It can be the human activity that is purposeful applciation of information in the design, production and utilized goods. It can be used in everyday life and can be used anywhere. Technology is expanding everyday and is useful in many different ways such as using computers, phones, in and out of classrooms, in your house , out of your house.

ID TEchnology

ID Technology Class My First Blog ( everything above this posting)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Questions for relections

Feedback that students give. Content of the course. Activities we did. Object: Tell or help figure out how to make this is a better course. We have readings, assignments, ( Presentations, wikipedia, blogs, reflective essay, hypertext essay) Kinds of thigns we did in class ( electronic literature sites and look around on internet for flashmobs) Whatyou liked best/least. What would you like more of/ less of .Do you feel prepared to do whatever you need to do with "writing for cyberspace"

When I first started this class I did not know what to expect. I knew of some things about the internet but nothing to serious. I knew how to work the internet when it came to surfing the internet and using certain programs. I liked reading the material because it gave me insight to different things that contribute to the internet and how it got started as well as things that contrubute to it to make it work. I learned alot from the readings compared to if we didnt have the readings I dont think i would have learned as much. We used the readings to discuss things in class which I gained more knwoldge about every week. As always, like last semester, i like doing the blogs.l It is more managable to see what I have done and reflect on what I have written. I am able to keep up to date with my blogs and also keep track of the grades I have recieved for the blogs. I liked doing the Wiki assignment because I didnt know how Wiki worked until I was forced to do it. I got frustrated alot of times and wanted to give up but because I knew I needed the grade and needed to finish it, I ended up learning a whole lot more then I actually thought that I would! The presentations were also very informative. I like how groups went and presetned the readings. It was back up reinforcement that I needed and I also learned new insights through different groups presenting. I also liked presenting the website so I could have feedback. I was shy about the website because I have no idea what I was doing or what it was supposed to look like. I had a hard time with the hypertext essay. gathering an actual question, and then making a website out of it. I didnt have much of a question ready for the essay until i brainstormed alot and came up with something. Of course, making the website with blocked computer didnt help at all. I know alot have complained about it, it was annoying at first but when you understood and figured it out, it was all about putting your research into the website. I had a hard time writing the reflective essay. I didnt like the topics and I had a hard time gathering all the information from 7 sources to incorporate into the essay ontop of finishing up the hypertext essay. I felt like it was alot to do in a short amount of time. I know my essay and website could have been better if the time was organized a bit better.

What I liked best about the course was the readings and the Wikipedia site. I learned so much from the readings to what contributes to the making of the internet and things of that sort. I hated the wikipedia at first but when I saw how it all worked i loved it!

What I did not like was the reflective essay. I had a very hard time writing this although I read all the readings and understood the writings in detail. I think usuing 7 of them was a bit much but maybe because I felt I was under pressure with finishign the website and also doing that assignment.

I feel somewhat porepared to do things if someone asked what happens with the internet and how it works and what contributes to it. I can tell them how to make a website and what hyper attention is and deep attention. I can now tell what a cyber bully is.

I enjoyed this class and learned alot so thank you.